Uh-Oh....They Are Coming After Our "Ho-Ho's" and "Ding Dongs" Now!!!greenspun.com : LUSENET : The Christian Church : One Thread |
This if for all you who jumped on the govt. crackdown on tobacco who thought...."Hey...it doesn't affect me....and besides...it's a nasty habit." Check this out....got it off a Compuserve Newswire..."The Associated Press reports that Satcher (Surgeon General) has called for a national attack on obesity--just as the government declared a national attack on smoking years ago. "
Oh great...I can see it now...."The Fat Gustapo"...."The Ho-Ho Raids."
Can you see this on Court TV...."The US Govt. vs. Dolly Madison."
Geez.....isn't hunting down Osama enough to keep them busy?!?!
Oh yeah...I forgot....Satcher was appointed by Clinton. That explains a lot!!!!
Watch out Mark Wisniewski....they are coming for your secret stash!!! Yeah...you thought I forgot about that didn't you???
-- Anonymous, December 14, 2001
After I get done suing...."Burger King" won't even be a prince!!!
-- Anonymous, December 14, 2001
Not My Ho - Ho's !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I have only 1 thing to say, "Out of my cold, dead, creme-smeared Fingers"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-- Anonymous, December 14, 2001
Does this mean I could sue Dolly Madison and etc for helping contribute to making me "pleasingly plump"?I'll be rich! Rich I tell ya!
-- Anonymous, December 14, 2001
I got dibs on suing the Pillsbury Doughboy!!"If the pants don't fit.....you cannot acquit."
Johnny Cochran............answer your phone!!!
-- Anonymous, December 14, 2001
Twinkies can survive a nuclear war, but not the liberal left it seems :) Oh, the humanities!
-- Anonymous, December 14, 2001
No more birthday cake and ice cream either! Children can't have birthday parties anymore because it encourages obesity!
-- Anonymous, December 14, 2001
This is *definately* a GUY thing! A friend of mine who works with the youth actually HIDES his Ho-Ho's from them so he doesn't have to share! LOL
-- Anonymous, December 14, 2001