Who Was Sydney Waltongreenspun.com : LUSENET : San Francisco History : One Thread |
I know from the miniscule online references I've found that Sydney G. Walton was "a San Francisco businessman and cultural leader", but what business was he in, and what sorts of culture did he lead? When did he live and what were his most notable accomplishments, besides the park?
-- Steve Walton (swalton@infolore.org), December 13, 2001
He was born Feb. 12 1901 and died Dec. 4 1960. Look for him in Who Was Who in America, volume 4.
-- David Hollombe (davhlmbe@pacbell.net), December 19, 2001.
Hey i am wondering who he is also I have a book inscribed to him by a famous fisherman farrington
-- linda (lindamaupin@hotmail.com), April 17, 2003.