Its been such a long time : LUSENET : Country Families : One Thread

Greetings everyone, its been a while since i have participated in any posts, for which i am sorry of. School has preoccupied me for a while. Actually i just had the opportunity to teach my art class today, which went really well. Lots of hours planning went into it. I WOWWED their socks off. All four of my class mates. I have also just recently found out, that i can graduate after this semester. Which means less time necessary in a public school enviroment. =) For all who weren't sure, i started dating about ten days ago. Some other things have gone into my head for my future. Like possibly going to a bible college for one year. While going for further education was something i swore off , in desire to someday be a stay at home mom, but i think a bible degree would be wise. I hope everyone is doing well, and enjoying their (close to) christmas season. Our house has a tree that is three ft tall, and has no lights on it (yet), our little string of lights are yet, in our front window. Our hearts have not yet acclaimed THAT feeling. I think as soon as it snows, and it decides to stay, we'll all get there. Wishing you blessings from above. Jillian*

-- jillian (, December 12, 2001


I was wondering where you disappeared to and was getting ready to send the Mounties!! As far as education goes; learn everything about everything that you can now while you are young, it gets much harder later in life.

-- mitch hearn (, December 13, 2001.

Hi Jillian, glad to know you are OK. Bible college will be a great experience. I had many opportunities to visit Cincinnatti Bible College when I was younger and it was a great place. You will stretch your mind beyond what you can imagine, and cement your faith in a way that will help you immeasureably throughout your life!

-- Melissa (, December 13, 2001.

Used to be not all Bible colleges were accredited, probably some are still not. They're safer and more moral, but remember they're full of humans. There's lots of cliques and sin. Like everything else you get out of it what you put into it. I went to one for a year many years ago.

-- Cindy (SE. IN) (, December 13, 2001.

If I could go back and do it again, I would go to bible college. I think it would be wonderful and enriching experience for you if this is what you decided is right. Good luck and God Bless. Oh, congrats on graduating early. I did also and I am glad for the oppurtunity.

-- Micheale from SE Kansas (, December 13, 2001.

Jillian you might want to do a search on Master's Commission. Its a program with a college course in it that focuses on serving and living for Jesus for usually 9 months. First year students cannot date or be alone with opposite sex at all. It's neat program. My 20 year old did 2 years of it. If she took a test she would be a Reverend, cause of the college course, and IRS considers it a school for the HOPE tax credit for your folks.

Regards - AngieM2

-- AngieM2 (, December 13, 2001.

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