mothball smell...Yeck! : LUSENET : Country Families : One Thread

I got a swell deal on some sweaters today, but alas! they stink of mothballs, even after I have washed them! Anyone know a sure fire way to rid clothing of mothball smell? Thanks, Sissy

-- Sissy Sylvester-Barth (, December 11, 2001


febreeze or fabricare works wonders on smelly clothes I love the stuff and use it all the time.

-- melinda (, December 12, 2001.

ok, gonna try the febreeze, and if that doesn't work...I will try the hanging outside thing...only, there is 4 inches of snow and more falling and no breeze. Think it will lose its smell by spring?? :) Sissy

-- Sissy Sylvester-Barth (, December 12, 2001.

Sissy, because they are sweaters and if the febreeze doesn't work, which it usually does, they have the delicate fabric stuff you can use, I can't think of the name off hand but I it should be in the laundry section of the grocery store. I use febreeze on the beds after one of the kids has an accident or on the carpets after someone spills something. I know I sound like a commercial but I really like the stuff

-- melinda (, December 13, 2001.

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