Enlarger timers and anlizers

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

Looking for opinons on the "Analyser Pro Enlarger Meter & Timer" .

Also , "Stop Clock Professional f-stop Enlarger Timer".

Both manufactured by RH DESIGN.United Kindom.

-- Frank H. Britcher (britcher@nfdc.net), December 11, 2001


I had disappointing results with their ZoneMaster enlarger meter. Although it seemed to work well, and RH Designs customer support was really excellent, I was never able to get the meter calibrated.

Aside from the calibration issue, which remains unexplained, my only real complaint was that the meter took several seconds for each measurement, make multiple measurements rather tedious.

I really liked the features of the Zonemaster, and hoped that it would replace the "first test strip".

-- Chris Ellinger (chris@ellingerphoto.com), December 12, 2001.

I have used the RH Design products for several years and wouldn't be without them. You do need to be careful in calibrating but the effort pays off immediately. F/Stop timing is addicting. The "Test Strip" mode of their timers is a dream. Etc., etc.... njb

-- Nacio Jan Brown (njb@sirius.com), December 12, 2001.

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