Worming bred goat

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Can you worm a bred goat? She was bred a few weeks ago and I didn't get her wormed before so is it allright to worm now? Any ideas? I use Ivemec or Cydectin

-- Cindy H (hollo@bitwisesystems.com), December 11, 2001


Yes, some wormers are safe for pregnant goats. I know for sure that Safeguard paste and Ivomec injectable are safe. Per advice from more than one goat vet. - Safeguard paste is to be used on goats (and we have, many times) at double the dose per lb. that would be used on sheep or cattle.

-- Dianne Wood (woodgoat@pacifier.com), December 11, 2001.

How about taking some of her fresh berries and seeing if she needs to be wormed? Ivermectin and Cydectin and any wormer carry risks to the fetus that is not implanted yet. I am not a fan of folks using Cydectin and Dectomax Pour ons in their goats. Using the wormer orally with its very powerful carrier, so powerful in fact that it will go THROUGH THE HIDE OF A COW! And we are giving this orally and the goats liver has to filter it. Just doesn't make alot of sense to me, especially because when used correctly, there are many other cheaper wormers out there that work great! Vicki

-- Vicki McGaugh TX (vickilonesomedoe@hotmail.com), December 13, 2001.

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