.vcd and .app extemsions

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread


I recently bought some DVDs. I found some applications in a folder but I cannot open them because they are .vcd and .app extensions. Can please somebody tell me how to solve that problem.

-- (hanabi@genie.co.uk), December 11, 2001


(Better "late" than never!)

The .vcd and .app files are used to create the VCD itself. Open them in a text editor to see what I mean.

-- Jason Wioskowski (jwioskowsk@wcupa.edu), July 11, 2002.

Er, "I" hope I helped with resolving this issue...I don't recall submitting a response. Nor does that look like the way I would have responded... Interesting.

-- Jason Wioskowski (jwioskowsk@wcupa.edu), April 29, 2004.

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