Looking at John Deere 4200 tractor. Will it do what I want?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Country Families : One Thread

I had an acquaintance who knew I was looking for a tractor approach me about a JD 4200 tractor with approx 100 hours. It's a 2000 model with 26 HP, 4WD, live PTO, ROPS, a front end loader with 5' bucket and a backhoe for $9,000. I know he's probably making at least a couple grand on the deal, but that's not important. It still seems like a real deal (even though I can't imagine a need for the backhoe).

My question concerns whether or not it's big enough to do what I want. I'd been looking at much older pieces (at least ten years older) and much larger pieces (around 40 HP and 1,000-2,000 pounds heavier) with the same basic equipment (except the backhoe). I currently have eleven acres I need to brush hog. I also want to use the tractor loader to just generally clean up the property.

Also, I may acquire an adjacent 27 acres and the work would increase accordingly if I do. What I'm wondering is if the JD 4200 is enough tractor for what I want to do? The price is sure tempting, but even at $9,000, it's not a bargain if it won't do what I want.

-- Gary in Indiana (gk6854@aol.com), December 10, 2001


A 26 hp tractor is fine if you have pleanty of time to tinker, the people I know who do tractor work daily look for something larger, in the 80 hp range or larger. The price quoted is maybe too good to be true, I would run the serial numbers through the local law enforcement agency before extending money.

-- mitch hearn (moopups@citlink.net), December 11, 2001.

I don't know a lot about tractors, but you will probably use the back- hoe more than you could ever imagine. I can think of many projects where it would have been worth it's weight in gold! $9000 does not sound too bad for everything you have described. Even a small 4WD will do a lot that a bigger tractor can't. My Dad has a "Beaver" 4WD tractor, with bucket and backhoe and brush hog, and he uses it for absolutely everything. If the tractor is small, it would also be easier to control on hillsides, and if you have to brush-hog around trees.

-- Melissa (me@home.net), December 11, 2001.

Gary, did you list the model number right? I only ask because my dad has JD green blood and my husband is a mechanic at a farm equipment dealership and I don't recall a 4200. I'll ask my husband tonight about this tractor, maybe he can recall something. Polly

-- (jserg45@hotmail.com), December 11, 2001.

Polly, 4200 is a valid model number. Its one of the compact line, 4100, 4200 and 4300. It replaces the 770,870 and 970 line from a few years ago. The $9000 is a real steal. The 4200 sells between $10-12k USED, New its around 15k. The loader is worth $2-$5k, backhoe $4-8k.

-- Gary (gws@colmbus.rr.com), December 11, 2001.

I'd think most people who do daily tractor work wouldn't even call 26 HP a real tractor. I'm just a hobbyist at best and don't see the need for a $150,000 dual-wheeled articulating monster to brush hog my eleven acres twice a year.

I was actually offered one of those to use with some huge bat wing mower and I thought it was too much overkill even to borrow. I'd spend more time loading, transporting and unloading then reloading, returning and unloading again than I'd ever spend using it. ;o)

I did check with the local Deere dealer who had, in fact, had some tractors stolen last year but he assured me all have been located. ;o) It seems the gentleman who had this tractor is no longer with us and his son is wanting to liquidate things as soon as he arrives here and get back to his home in Virginia. I get the distinct impression that money isn't one of the family's big concerns. I've also heard that he described this as "the big garden tractor" so he may have priced it accordingly.

I checked locally and was offered the same model with the better turf tires, same transmission, etc., and same loader for under $17,000 so this does seem like a deal if it can do what I need so I'm going to pursue it. Thanks for your input.

-- Gary in Indiana (gk6854@aol.com), December 11, 2001.

Gary, My husband's company has one for sale for $17000 with a loader and a mower. So, accordingly, that one for $9000 would definitely be a deal. With only 100 hours though he is skeptical, but if, as you say, the family wants to quickly liquidate an estate this would be a deal for your purposes. Polly

-- (jserg45@hotmail.com), December 11, 2001.

It sounds to me like a deal. Being 4wd adds alot to the power and if it only has 100 hrs its just broke in. A front end loader is invaluable.

The back hoe iffy. I'd put the hoe on e-bay and recoup some of the $. After it sells you'll need it to dig up the water line.

-- john (natlivent@pcpros.net), December 12, 2001.

Gary, I have the JD 4200. I love it. It does everything I need and more. But I am in need of the backhoe. If you own the tractor and want to sell the backhoe please email me.

-- Clinton in Maryland (reddicl@yahoo.com), February 08, 2002.

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