D. Lee....I Messed Up......

greenspun.com : LUSENET : The Christian Church : One Thread

It was not Josephus who mentioned the large numbers of musicians employed in the Temple.

Rather....it was the "Book of Legends" which is a collection of writings from the Jewish Talmud and Misrash.

On p. 182 (or 282...I can't remember right now)....they state that during the first day of the feast of Sukkoth.....the number of Levites playing cymbals, harps, trumpets, and (I think)...lyres....was inummerable. (I imagine that to be a bit of exaggeration as was normal for most Rabbis writing in the Talmud and Midrash...BUT...it does indicate there were quite a few).

Sorry about the mix-up. I'm preparing three final exams for my college classes tomorrow.....and my head is swimming just a tad!!

-- Anonymous, December 10, 2001

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