Anybody ever order food from the Ozark Cooperative Warehouse in Fayetteville, AR? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Hi, just thinking of joining and wondering if anybody has any experience dealing with them. And if you do how do you figure out what to order since they don't describe anything? Just the name. What's your favorite things to buy if you do? Any recommendations will be greatly appreciated. Thanks

-- renabeth (, December 10, 2001


I haven't personally ordered, but have a friend who does on a regular basis. She and her extended family are all very happy with the co-op.

-- melina b. (, December 10, 2001.

Renabeth, I belonged to a coop and we ordered from them all the time. I loved their cheeses and yogart. I can't think of anything that was not good. and I used to get all kinds of food from them. I wish I could get in with another food coop and order again. Do they have a email address???

-- Karen in Kansas (, December 10, 2001.

I live half hour from Fayetteville and used to buy from their cash and carry outlet which was 10% above wholesale price. Still cheaper than coop store fronts and on par with active buying club. Buying clubs and coops could even get discount off wholesale prices depending on their volume. They used to offer a product description catalog sporadically and then pricelist was updated much more often, seems like it was every two months or so. No fault with their service, and seemed run very well. I stopped shopping there as they instituted a $50 minimum for anything out of warehouse as opposed to sample items in the cash and carry room (maybe higher minimum now)and I just wanted to buy a single 25# or 50# bag of an staple item purchased as I needed it. I used lot less after my divorce and I lived alone. Also prices of "health food" and "organic" zoomed with popularity oriented toward yuppie market and my income didnt. I dont fault them, they are mainly a wholesale buisiness, and they are also pricing to the economy. They dont make the products, just distribute them. Info I am passing on is few years old. Suggest you contact them, they were always friendly to deal with and I am sure would be glad to give current info.

-- HermitJohn (, December 11, 2001.


I live about a half hour from Fayetteville(north) and I too shop with them directly. My sister-in-law runs a group that orders from them regularly in Central AR. Her biggest problem is with the others in the group either not picking their order up when delivered or not getting their orders in to her on time. Some of the items are in LARGE bulk amounts and it helps to have someone to split it with. Do you live in AR? If so, I think you might find a coop group close to you that you could order with.

-- Ivy in NW AR (, December 12, 2001.

Ivy, I do live in Arkansas, but they said that there was not a buying club close to me. However, I could pick it up, I am not that far away, about a hour. I just have no idea what to order. Karen, there email is I think they deliver some places in Kansas. Ivy, you posted on my immunization post earlier and I never got back to you. Hib vaccine is really not required in Arkansas so if you have any young children you might check into it. The state legislature is who requires it and it is the same everywhere in the state. Thanks a bunch.

-- renabeth (, December 12, 2001.

Ivy, one more question, whats your favorite thing they have? I have no clue what to order.

-- renabeth (, December 12, 2001.

Hi Renabeth, I have ordered from Ozark through a co-op group in OKC, I buy grains in large quanity because they will keep for years, I haven't ordered in the last 3 years and I still have corn, barley, quinoa, TVP, amd millet [I am trying to get it used up before I get more] I also have some sea vegetables and herbs that I bought through them, (a pound of bay leaves may last a life time) all of it is still good and I use something from my stock pile every few days.

To deside what to buy, you need a current Market News and an OCW Price Guide. You should start with things you will use often, what do you buy now? They have almost every thing any other grocery store has and a tip on whole grain flours if you can't grind your own, only buy small amounts, because it will go rancid in just a few weeks, unless it is kept in the freezer, and it can still get stale in there.

I would go through the price guide and highlight the things I was interested in, then go through the market news to check the specials, it is so great when the very thing you need is on sale, then I kept the price guide around to plan my shopping over the next few months. It dosen't take long to get the pantry stocked up!

-- Thumper (, December 12, 2001.

We order every month in very large quantities, i.e. 25# bags! You have to watch your prices though on some things because the local natural foods store might beat their prices if they buy oodles of something. P. South

-- PilgrimSouth (, January 01, 2002.

I live in S.E. OK. the problem is they come once a month on a Sunday. I find Sunday a mess, not only is it during "Church time" but I have to drive to McAlester a good 30 minutes away. I buy wheat berries which will last me 2 years. I also buy different dried beans in all including the wheat berries in 35 pd containers. I buy pasta in bulk too. I prefer the coop up north in Madison, Wis., but I am sure this one is okay. I only use it once every 6 mts and then place a very large order. You can do that if your group is big. If I joined a group that was small I probably would have to order each month, I believe there is a 500. min. order.

-- Debbie (, January 01, 2002.

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