Evaluating DURST M605

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

Hallo there,

I'm a photographer and recently teaching this subject in a girlsschool in Israel. Thinking of a b/w darkroomequippment I got the offer for a used, but in goog shape, DURST M605 enlarger. What is Your oppinion?


Mario Jacoby Kfar Haroeh

-- Mario Jacoby (Mario53@012.net.il), December 10, 2001


Response to Evaluatin DURST M605

I have not used a Durst 605 but I have used older Durst enlargers & they are as good as any brand you can buy.Just make sure that the rack & gear for elevating the enlarger head is in good condition.It should last you a life time....or until film becomes obsolete!!

-- Melvin (bramley@nanaimo.ark.com), December 10, 2001.

Response to Evaluatin DURST M605


I have a 605 as well. Very flexible device but make sure to use high quality lenses. They are more important than the enlarger body IMO.

Indeed make sure all moving parts are smooth (up and down and focus) and check which condensor is used and that you have appropiate lenses.


-- ReinierV (rvlaam@xs4all.nl), December 21, 2001.

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