Who Wants Two Asian Pear Seedlings? (Orchard)greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I have heard about 'the hot new fruit,' Asian Pears, for several years. Finally saw some at the supermarket and bought one. Suppose to look like an apple and taste like a pear. Was disappointed! Didn't have the taste or texture of either; however, the one I bought may have been in refrigerated storage for some months.When I cut it in half I found four seeds. Out of curiosity I put the four in 35mm file canisters. The two I didn't nick have sprouted and are not getting their third set of leaves. Anyone what them for the cost of shipping ($1.00)?
I know nothing about Asian Pear growing conditions, such as zones or if male and female tree are required to get fruit. These would probably have to be nurtured for another year or so before they would be large enough to yard plant.
Regular procedures apply. E-mail me separately. When requests seem to have stopped, I'll do the equivalent of pulling a name out of a hat and notify that person.
-- Ken S. in WC TN (scharabo@aol.com), December 09, 2001
ken please put my name in the hat for the pear seeds. thanks gail in okla.
-- myra gail akins (gakins@simplynet.net), December 09, 2001.
I know little about Asian pear culture either, but if they are like other fruit trees, there is very little chance of these seeds growing true. Almost all fruit culture is done by grafting, so although you may come up with some very interesing rootstock plant from grocery store fruit seeds, it very likely will not be much like the fruit from which the seeds came.
-- Earthmama (earthmama48@yahoo.com), December 09, 2001.