What to do with leftover smoked sausage?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Beyond the Sidewalks : One Thread |
I'm getting ready to make a big pot of Gumbo - chicken and shrimp and crab and smoked sausage....drool, slobber, wipe chops, continue....and so anyway, I only need about half this rope of smoked sausage that I bought for the gumbo. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what to do with the rest of it? Hubby hates saurkraut, so my only idea got shot down. Suggestions gratefully welcomed!
-- Anonymous, December 09, 2001
We like to cut it up and use it in a potato type soup with cheese.
-- Anonymous, December 09, 2001
Its great like a hot dog, or cut it up and freeze it so you can add a little bit at a time to pizza topping, cooking with home fries, or in an omelette.
-- Anonymous, December 09, 2001
For the red meat eaters in the family, I use it in place of meatballs or ground beef in spaghetti. Gives the spaghetti a nicer taste than the ground beef. For me I use the smoked "sausage" made either from turkey or the Boca Burger "italian sausage", which is very good but loaded with sodium ( sure wish they'd leave that out!!!).
-- Anonymous, December 09, 2001
Hmmmmm.....I've never had any 'extra' cuz my kids are insatiable carnivores, but lets see.........they eat it in sandwiches, either grilled with cheese, or just cheese melted on top of the meat, in stir frys, in scrambled eggs, in chefs salads, in green beans, quiche, on pizza, in mac and cheese, scalloped taters, or in baked beans
-- Anonymous, December 09, 2001
Cook up with sauted onion and put in rosoto boiled in chicken broth with a little tomato sauce for color. Really tasty. If you have leftover, add a couple of eggs into the rice and fry in olive oil. (can you tell I married an Italian?)If you fry the meat up and freeze it, you can add it to stuff anytime you like and not worry about it going bad.
-- Anonymous, December 09, 2001
-- Anonymous, December 10, 2001
Mail it to me?
-- Anonymous, December 10, 2001
Dang! Now I'm gonna have to go get me some more smoked sausage! It all sounds good you guys!So Joy, when you coming down so I can put it on the menu?!
-- Anonymous, December 11, 2001