Where can I sell a used Beseler enlarger?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Buy/Sell/Trade : One Thread

I don't know how to price my enlarger. It is about 25 years old, in excellent condition. I also have developing tanks, trays for developing, electric timer, darkroom light, paper, etc.

-- Marion Cohen (marnehoc@snet.net), December 07, 2001


Check out eBay. There are search functions, and you can search in darkroom equipment. Look up completed items to see the ending price. You might want to start out with a broad category like Beleser or Beseler enlarger, and then narrow it down. Also, be aware that many people misspell Beseler (or is it Beselar, or Besseler?).

-- Jim Rock (jameswrock@aol.com), December 09, 2001.

If you're around San Francisco, I might want all that stuff! What color is the enlarger?

-- Zack Reiheld (m_random@hotmail.com), December 12, 2001.

Marion- Where are you located? I'm a 17 year old student just starting out in the world of photography, with nothing of my own but a camera- everything else is my high school's. I'm trying to set up a dark room for myself- depending on where you are, I would be greatly interested in purchasing your supplies- though, I can't afford much, being 17 and all, so, if you're looking for over a few hundred at MOST, then, thanks anyways.

-- Michael Arruda (arruda_michael@yahoo.com), January 22, 2002.

HI! Still selling??? let me know.

-- Laura Marisa (lauram9@hotmail.com), May 09, 2002.

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