Florida Update

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The word is that there were as many as 25 pastoral moves in Florida recenlty by Bishop John Hurst Adams, would someone be kind enought to share the info with the AME Today Family. Thanks.

-- Anonymous, December 06, 2001


Bro. Gipson:

As a member of the 11th District this is what I know. At our planning conference held in JAX, FL last week (unfortunately I was unable to attend but my "spies" represented me LOL) Bishop Adams announced reassignments for many AME Pastors. The reassignments were based largely on matching seminary-trained clergy with churches commensurate with their credentials, experience and training. Of course some of the moves were made to correct internal problems (i.e., member dissatisfaction with the Pastor, Pastor dissatisfaction with the charge, etc.). I know qutie a few who are moving to new charges as a result of this announcement. My prayers are for their continued success in promulgating the Gospel and serving the people of God. Thanks for asking.

-- Anonymous, December 07, 2001

I was present in Jacksonville and there were some pastors move without just cause,(in my opinion) there is division among members in all churches.It seem to me some pastors that did not get moved shouldhave been. Some churches that are 1st and second churches have new pastors that have broken all moral rules in the discipline and outside the church, some have 8th grade education and no administration skills what so ever. I guess Bishop Adams prayed hard before he made thes changes all 8 annual conferences had changes. I am praying that in March during the mid-year he will move some of these elders. When a meeting is held it looks like a nursing home, some are so sick they can't drive. Whay are they hanging on. There are enough young men and women to carry the church into the nxe century. It was something to see Bishop Adam at work. He is a good Bishop and I pray he never take money from a minister to place him.

-- Anonymous, December 07, 2001

I did not attend this year's planning conference either. I was home praying that the Spirit of God would prevail. Yes, my church was one where a new pastor was appointed - thank God.

I have to agree with Sis. Watkins, there are some elders that need to be replaced and there are some other pastors that need to be moved too. For a long time, one of our biggest problems in the 11th has been the signed check and the open hand.

Like Habakkuk, I have a lot of questions (my why's and wonders and wonder why's are sent directly to the one who has the power through His Spirit to intervene) so, now I'm watching to see what He (my Lord and my God) will say to me regarding some matters that only He can handle. All that I've seen and heard about our new Bishop is that he's a man of integrity. I pray to God that that assessment stands.

Through all that my church family, as well as, my own family and I have gone through, we're finding out that God sends trials not to impair us but to improve us and that the improvement/change begins within. It's an inside job - when God changes us/circumstances, He works from the inside out. So, now I'm believing God for some things that only God can provide - a miracle! Walking by faith not by sight or feeling! Please pray for our Bishop, our presiding elder, our new pastor, and our members. I'm looking for a miracle!!

-- Anonymous, December 13, 2001

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