Voltage regulator for Enlargergreenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread |
Where should a voltage regulator be placed with regard to the power source/timer/enlarger?? between the power and timer or between the timer and enlarger? The timer is a Gralab 900.R.
-- ricardo (ricardospanks1@yahoo.com), December 04, 2001
If you use something like a Sola constant voltage transformer, it can happily regulate everything in the darkroom, including the safelights if you want. Match the load to the transformer rating- they have a minimum and a maximum where they work best. The downside is that they often buzz, which drives me nuts. I have had problems with earlier digital Gralab timers if the transformer is after the timer, as the relay contacts tend to stick because of the starting surge. If the timer uses a solid state relay, it shouldn't be a concern.
-- Conrad Hoffman (choffman@rpa.net), December 04, 2001.
My Omega says that the regulator goes between the timer and the enlarger.
-- Dave Mueller (dmueller@bellatlantic.net), December 05, 2001.