Beseler 23C lubrication : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

I just bought a used Beseler 23CII. Is it advisable to lubricate the gears which adjust the height and focus?

Thanks, Peter Schauss

-- Peter Schauss (, December 03, 2001


I have one with plastic gears- definitely not to be lubricated. In fact, I can't think of any metal-to-metal contact areas on a 23CII that need lubrication. Well, OK, inside the focus drive box, the axle should have a bit of grease where the tensions springs press. Other axles could have a tiny drop of oil where they rotate. It does help if the rods are clean and the plastic bushings that slide on them are intact.

-- Conrad Hoffman (, December 03, 2001.

Peter, My advice would be to leave well enough alone unless something is very obviously sticking. You want both the gears lifting the head and the close focusing mechanism to be a little on the stiff side so that there is no tendency for them to sag out of focus. I owned a 23C for years and never had to lube. I curently have two Omegas purchased used and neither has needed lubrication.

-- Arden Howell (, December 03, 2001.

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