^^^6:30 PM ET^^^ ANDREW SULLIVAN - Clinton's legacy II

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CLINTON'S LEGACY II: Check out Byron York's devastating little piece in National Review Online about Bill Clinton's response to the 1996 Khobar bombings, and indeed all such terrorst incidents in his term of office. His instinct? Take a poll. All the more reason for president Bush to ignore the Berke-Dowd double-punch in today's Times goading W to go all-political in the war on terrorism. There is simply no trade-off whatsoever between the war and the economy right now, and anyone who thinks so is either dumb or deliberately trying to trick W into repeating not his father's but his predecessor's mistakes. If we win the war, the economy will do fine; if we half-win this war, the economy will tank at the slightest hint of another terrorist attack. Memo to W: ignore these domestic-policy types. Veto the stimulus package; focus like a laser-beam on Iraq.

-- Anonymous, December 02, 2001

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