A Question Concerning Plumbing for a Dishwasher

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We were given a dishwasher. My husband had the dishwasher with him when he went to the hardware store to pick up plumbing supplies he would need to hook it up. The man helping him looked at it (a White-Westinghouse) and told him it should be connected to the cold water pipe. We tried it out last night and are now wondering if we should have hooked it up to the hot water pipe. We don't remember dishwashers (we use to have one years ago in a different house)using cold water to wash dishes and this model obviously doesn't heat it's own water. Shouldn't it be the hot water pipe that it gets the water from?

Thanks to any of you that have the answer for us.

-- Terry - NW Ohio (aunt_tm@hotmail.com), December 02, 2001


Hook to hot water line Tery. Before each use turn hot water tap on until hot, This is an engery saver for the dishwasher.

-- David R . In Tn. (srimmer@earthlink.net), December 02, 2001.

Definitely hot water. As far as I know they don't heat their water, anyway, only boost the heat to 145 F or so when your hotwater heater isn't turned up that high.

-- Jennifer L. (Northern NYS) (jlance@nospammail.com), December 02, 2001.

My dishwasher does heat it's own water. Heats it to 160* and does not have a dryer on it. The water is so hot it evaporates off. It is a Bosch.

-- laura (lauramleek@yahoo.com), December 02, 2001.

You've got to use hot water. Dishwasher soap doesn't dissolve in cold water and will not sanitize the dishes.

-- Ed (smikula@bellsouth.net), December 03, 2001.

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