
greenspun.com : LUSENET : Country Families : One Thread

I read somewhere to rub lime juice on your forehead when you have a migraine. I've tried it 3 times now. It doesn't 'cure' it but it sure lessens the intensity. Doesn't do anything for what I call the aftermath, either. Don't know why it works, maybe the aroma is relaxing or maybe it penetrates into the muscles and relaxes them, I don't know, but it does help some. And any help is good help when yo hurt that badly.

-- Cindy (SE. IN) (atilrthehony@hotmail.com), December 02, 2001


Have you tried rosemary? I use fresh when at home; I keep dried handy when I am away. Put it under your tongue til it softens then chew on it a little, return under tongue til it is gone.

Works better than anything I have tried. Feverfew made it worse!

-- carol (kanogisdi@yahoo.com), December 02, 2001.

I just heard that when you have a migraine if you rub Vicks on the soles of your feet the migraines will stop.

-- john (natlivent@pcpros.net), December 03, 2001.

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