Where do Chicago painters gather?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Public Art : One Thread

Where do Chicago painters gather to exchange information and ideas?

-- Frances Suda (fsuda@msn.com), December 01, 2001


I would like to know the answer too. There are monthly critiques put on by the Chicago Artists Coalition. Every third Thursday of the month. To see current schedule and events, visit: http://www.caconline.org/cac/current.html They call it the "CAC Artist's Salon" For the past year or so, it's been held at: Stolizzo Gallery, 2828 N. Milwaukee Ave. But check the website for current dates, times, and place.

-- Matt Maldre (mmaldre@tribune.com), December 10, 2001.

Here is just a general suggestion: Please go to the web site below and learn more about the Public Art in Chicago. This year Chicago already has some fantastic exhibits open or planned, including the first stop on the traveling tour of, "Here is New York: a Democracy in Photographs", begun in NYC shortly after the events of 9/11. Also included in the web site is information on the continuation of CowParade as it travels across the globe! Sign the guestbook and be added to the notification email list to get the latest news and updates on Public Art in Chicago. Thank you.

Jennifer L. Carmichael


-- Jennifer Carmichael (Chicagopublicart@aol.com), January 29, 2002.

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