Christmas Season begins : LUSENET : Country Families : One Thread

Well it is actually December 1, so to me that means the Christmas season can now begin! I usually get my decorations out of the attic during this week-end. I won't start putting them up yet though. I usually have to sort through them, and will give some to my kids. They each have a small box of things to save and use when they get older. We want to take the kids to Oglebay Park this year, they have a zoo with reindeer on display and a huge light show. There are literally a million lights throughout the park. There is a large museum which was the home of the founder of the park, we would like to see it all decorated for Christmas.

We will go to the church play, go to the nursing home, go to the community churches sing-a-long night (my favorite thing) People from the community and all of the churches get together and sing songs all evening then have cookies and punch. It is the greatest evening.

Although we are busy, we are not too busy, and it is an enjoyable season for us. I will be posting some other topics in the next few weeks, feel free to add your own!

-- Melissa (, December 01, 2001


I haven't done anything yet. We try to keep it fairly simple. I'm planning to put up the tree next weekend. I will probably start baking cookies next week.

-- Jo (, December 01, 2001.

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