Surprises : LUSENET : Beyond the Sidewalks : One Thread

My daughter had been in her room for awhile and came out with something for me. She handed me a piece of computer paper with snow men all around it. She had written this on it: Mom, You know how the first snow glows? Well, you glow in my life just like the winter's first snow! Mom, You know how I love you so much. Well, I learn from the best! Mom, You know how I'm so smart. Well, I had a good teacher!

It brought me to tears and I am just so proud of her. She is only 10 years old and she does something like this every once in a while when I least expect it. Phyllis

-- Anonymous, November 30, 2001


I hear ya,Phyllis....there has been no feeling in my life as wonderful and sustaining as the continual, unconditional love of my children...

-- Anonymous, December 01, 2001

Wow! That's beautiful! Your daughter is precious. You are really, really blessed!

-- Anonymous, December 01, 2001

Oh my gosh!! What an amazing little angel you have!!.....Kirk

-- Anonymous, December 01, 2001

Maranda surely is a sweetheart - tell her I miss her hugs! You sure you don't want to swap her off for a moody teen-ager? I'd be more likely to get a picture of mutant snow goons handed to me!!

-- Anonymous, December 01, 2001

enjoy it phyllis and remember that 10 IMHO, is such a golden age. Then comes the teen years where you have to work so hard at assuring them that you are NOT the enemy. Now my daughter is old enough that she appreciates me as a grandmother to her children. Aaaaahhhhh, the cycles of life. Too soon old, too late smart.

-- Anonymous, December 01, 2001

You should be very proud of your little girl, Phyllis. Obviously she DID have a good teacher!! You've taught her not to be embarrassed to show her feelings for her family. I'm at the same stage of my life as Diane. My son finally appreciates me as his daughter's grandmother!! He's always telling her to go ask Gramma how to plant beans or go ask Gramma how to trim the goats. 'Course once she hits the "terrible" teens, she'll be too busy to help me shovel goat poop!!!

-- Anonymous, December 01, 2001

Now, in maranda's favor i will give the benefit of the doubt and hope for Phyllis that she stays wonderful and not teenagey at all. That was so sweet Phyll. Thanks for sharing it with us!

-- Anonymous, December 03, 2001

Hear! Hear! I say three cheers for teenagers too! I love em........and have never had one bit of reportedly typical teenage problems with my two. They are just as sweet as they always have been, and we are just as close, maybe even closer, as they become young women. Phyllis, hope you are as fortunate as I have been!

-- Anonymous, December 03, 2001

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