Update on Stark Bros. Nurserygreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I just spoke with the customer service (812-537-8651) people at Gardens Alive (the new owners of Stark Bros Nursery) and I was told that the new Stark Bros catalog won't be available until next spring (Spring of 2002).I just hope it's in time for planting fruit trees in Wisconsin.
-- Steve in So. WI (alpine1@prodigy.net), November 28, 2001
Another update----I just spoke with Stark Bros Nursery themselves in Louisiana, MO at (573)754-5511 and they said the new catalog is being put together as we speak and will be mailed out in January. The lady I spoke with put my name and address on the list and said I will be getting one in January. Hurrah!!!
-- Steve in So. WI (Alpine1@prodigy.net), November 28, 2001.
I put in my order for a catalog.They said it would be here before christmas. Bettie
-- Bettie Ferguson (jobett@dixie-net.com), November 28, 2001.
Catalog's are out! Got mine today, and I still thought they were sunk!. Called the 800 # and they told me they were taking orders for shipment in Feb! Plenty of time for plaqnting just about anywhere! I sure was depressed wehn I saw they had gone under; I had orders in to one of the associate nurseries ( all of which went under at the same time)
-- Ralph Campbell (ralphc@btr.quik.com), January 01, 2002.
What do you mean....Stark Bros. has gone out of business??!! I was about to contact them for a catalog. We are needing more trees on our new site. 28 years ago we planted semi-dwarf trees, three apple, three pear, some flowering trees and they are still living, growing well and bearing fruit. I want more. Where can we get similar service and merchanise?
-- Doris Cox (dcoxecox@asheboro.com), January 24, 2002.
I think there is a thread about Gardens Alive taking them over, I don't remember how to do the F1 search thing, would someone who knows how please explain it again?
-- Thumper (slrldr@yahoo.com), January 25, 2002.
Stark was purchased by Gardens Alive but has been resold to two business men that are suppose to have ties to the nursery already. You can still contact them at their old numbers. I have already received my catalog
-- l (buying_books@yahoo.com), January 26, 2002.
I have received two spring 2002 catalogs from Stark Bros. I would, however, be extremely reluctant to order from them. I had an order for berry bushes last fall and didn't receive them. I understand that was caused by the failure of the umbrella organization. The fact that they are sending out catalogs with an inoperable website listed in them does not bode well for the new owners having the ability to deliver products in a timely manner. My yard is filled with Stark Bros. trees because I felt they had the best quality fruit tree stock available. The high quality means little when the trees or bushes are not delivered and one loses an entire growing season.
-- Bob Porter (porterrm@hotmail.com), February 06, 2002.
does anyone have the 1-800
Does anyone out there have the 1-800#. I would appreciate you sharing it with me. Thank You
-- berdie hutchins (hutch45@fidnet.com), February 19, 2002.
Stark Bro's 1-800-325-4180 web site: mySEASONS.com
-- Bettie Ferguson (jobett@dixie-net.com), February 19, 2002.