Impulse? or Thinker-outer? : LUSENET : Country Families : One Thread

Do y'all ever do things on impulse? or do you think things through carefully?

I ask because lately I have felt almost a compulsion to do some rather odd (for me) things on impulse-please don't worry, its nothing violent or disturbing. One example-on impulse, I invited everyone I could think of for Thanksgiving Dinner, including my husbands boss, my sister-in-law whom I have a sometimes rocky relationship with, and my brother-in law and his YOUNG BOYS and my sister and her boyfriend -the boyfriend and my husband have never met by the way. Usually, I would plan this out, do I have enough plates, chairs, wineglasses, toliet paper etc, will these people get along, etc, etc, I just with out thinking blurbed out the invitations and we had a great time-husband and boyfriend hit it off, the boss didn't come but much appreciated the invite, the weather was great and kids played outside, and yes I had plenty of plates, wineglasses and toliet paper-I borrowed some chairs.

This kind of goes with the post yesterday about coinicidence, because, I think these "impulses" arn't just random thoughts, they seemed to be working out rather well. But I am thinking of a career change-that I don't know much about and it seems like I'm acting on impulses, becuase this is just something that "popped" into my head. It is scary though, not having things planned out- I'm working with what my heart tells me instead of my head- and I hope I'm not making a mistake.

-- Kelly (, November 28, 2001


"husband and boyfriend hit it off" --Whose husband, whose boyfriend?

I like to think things through, but find that when I do something kind on impulse, it turns out much better than if it is planned. Now shopping impulses almost always turn out bad.

-- Jo (, November 28, 2001.

Jo-My husband and my sister's boyfriend. Its kind of difficult to explain-(family deals always are)but it just means a lot to my sister that my husband really likes her boyfriend.

I agree-impulse shopping usually dosn't work out for me-at least binge shopping. But recently I bought a book-unplanned out of the blue that was a wise choice- and I can't tell you why I got it.

-- Kelly (, November 28, 2001.

Depends on what day of the week it is and how tired I am.

-- Cindy (S.E.IN) (, November 29, 2001.

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