Any breeders of English or German Angoras in Maine? (Rabbits) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I am interested in buying a pair of English or German Angoras, and was wondering if there are any "decent" breeders in Maine or somewhere not too far. I used to raise show Angoras for years and am interested in getting some again. Thanks in advance! cara lewis

-- cara lewis (, November 28, 2001


Response to Any breeders of English or German Angoras in Maine?

Cara, my friend is a well respected English breeder that is in Hollis NH. I am up there frequently. If you'd like to call her, and if you settle on buying some of her stock, I'd be glad to transport them up here to Biddeford where you could pick them up. E-mail me directly for her phone number, and I will be glad to give it to you.

-- Sandie in Maine (, November 28, 2001.

Response to Any breeders of English or German Angoras in Maine?

I am also looking for a breeder of Giant Angoras (Fuzz needs a friend). If anyone knows of a breeder in the RI/CT/MA area, it would be greatly appreciated! And Cara, check out, it may provide links to what you are looking for. Good luck! Pam

-- Pam (, November 28, 2001.

Cara, there's a farm called Akers Acres that has beautiful German angoras. I'm afraid I don't have a number or address, but I know they were at the Fryeburg fair this year and usually hit most of the southern Maine fairs so you may be able to track them down that way. Also, I believe they are (or at least they used to be) heavily involved in the Maine Rabbit breeders association. The german buck the lady had at the Fryeburg fair was gorgeous!

-- Sheryl in Me (, November 28, 2001.

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