Neat Idea for Rabbit Bottles : LUSENET : Country Families : One Thread

My husband has watched me for the past week bring in frozen water bottles from the rabbit cage. Well, last night, he brought in 2 can "cozies", (you know those ones you slide over your coke can to keep it cool?) and proceeded to cover the rabbit bottle over the top and the bottom, with these cozies! So far, no frozen water out there, and it is 27 degrees! In His Grace, Sissy

-- Sissy Sylvester-Barth (, November 27, 2001



I'll have to see what I can do with your idea. I only have to do the bottles for six cages. So far, mine haven't frozen yet because the shed seems to be staying fairly warm. This will be our first winter with the rabbits.

-- Terry - NW Ohio (, November 27, 2001.

I did that all last winter and decided I wasn't doing it again. I went and bought those heavey black rubber round water dishes. Now when they freeze all I have to do is throw them on the ground the frozen comes out and I put new in.Real easy and I can do it in my gloves without getting them wet!!! Wonderful invention-God Bless

-- Micheale from SE Kansas (, November 27, 2001.

We are going to try this. Last year I brought them in when I got home from work and she changed the bottles with others in the house and took them out in the morning. Insulation might add time.

-- Tom (, December 02, 2001.

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