Does chicken feed from my farm feed store have growth hormones? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I have just started raising cornish cross chicks from Murray McMurray because I am concerned about buying so much meat for my family that may have growth hormones in it. But does anybody know if the normal chick starter that I am buying from Southern States and other farm feed suppliers has growth hormones in them? I can't tell by looking at the ingredients list if some of those words mean growth hormone or not. Where could I buy organic feed in Kentucky?

-- Teresa Stewart (, November 24, 2001


Hubby says NOPE! He works for a feed mill and has worked for other feed companys over the years. He said that none of the chicken feed has growth hormones in it. It probably has some pesticides used in growing it , so it is not organic.

-- Nan (, November 24, 2001.

teresa, some feeds for chickens have antibiotics which you may or may not want. Just find the wegpage for Southern States and ask them! I know Purina is glad to discuss it feeds with consumers and I would think Southern States would be too. Usually they will send you a breakdown of contents of the food if you ask them and discuss and answer any questions you have. LQ

-- Little Quacker (, November 24, 2001.

Growth Hormones are illeagal in poultry feeds although you might find animal by-products in poultry feeds.

-- Mark in N.C. Fla. (, November 24, 2001.

Teresa, if you would like to write down what it says on the tag of the bag, I will ask my husband what it means. It may not help if it simply says things like fiber, fat, protein. I can try though.

-- Nan (, November 24, 2001.

Tags on feed are checked monthly by the Dept. of Agriculture. All feed must be tagged and is under certain guidelines. If it fails to meet these quidelines when tested they write you up and if it happens again they can shut the feed mill or store down. The only thing that may differ on the tag will be the source of the protein or fat. Some companies least cost these and so the sources will change. Chicken feed is not one of those things that change frequently. The protein is usually Soy bean meal, and the fat source is almost always corn. If they put medications in the feed it has to list it or they would be in big trouble. So if the tag doesn't say it, then it isn't in there. Amproleum is a coccidiostat. It is in some chick starters and chicken pellets. We use it when we are raising chicks to keep them healthy. It will say Amproleum on the tag and is supposed to give feeding instructions as well as amount of medication per pound.

-- Nan (, November 25, 2001.

I have never heard of growth hormones for chickens. They do put medication in feed for Coccidiosis.

-- Renee (, November 25, 2001.

I know they put SOMETHING in the feed that bothers this person with food allergies. I have to raise chickens myself if I want to eat eggs, cause everyone I know who keeps chickens feeds them store bought feed, which still bothers my system. I've had many an expert tell me you CAN'T raise them without the store bought feed. But I beg to differ with them, cause I've raised them from hatchling to adulthood strictly on scraps from the kitchen. Granted I have a large family with lots of scraps and I only have a small flock. But you don't have to do it that way.

-- (FAKEADDY2@A.COM), November 29, 2001.

I too have raised chicks (or I should say the hens have raised them) without brooders, heat lamps, or special chick feed. I have a couple of hens that refuse to stay in the coop and have claimed the barn as their own. They hatch a clutch of eggs every year and raise the babys to adulthood on whatever they can forage for around the farm. When the chicks feather out and can fend for themselves, the hens kick them out of the barn. They move to the coop with the rest of the crew. It's amazing how hardy a small chick is!

-- cowgirlone (, November 29, 2001.

There are lots of things in chicken feed that could cause allergies that aren't necessarily chemicals. I know what is in feed because my husband has to have it tested regularly to maintain a consistant tag ingredient list. Corn and wheat are two of the most likely to be allergic too. You might also be allergic to some of the soybean meal or milo or millet or goodness it just depends on what type of feed you give your chickens. Some feed mills put in a vitamin pack into some of the feeds. It will say that on the tag and some people do not tolerate certain vitamins.....Can't say what you would be allergic too, but if it helps to keep your chickens on scraps and free range, I would certainly do that too. I have a friend who can not have any wheat at all. My mother doesn't tolerate corn. Have you ever had eggs from someone elses chickens that were backyard raised or have you just had storebought eggs? I know that they sometimes use a cleaner on eggs in a commercial setting. That might be what you are allergic too if it is just the storebought. I Just hate allergies! But I maintain that the tag is what has to be in the bag! I have seen the test results from many tags tested. My husband had to have them sent to a testing center that isn't involved with the feed mill itself. Could be the pesticides used on the grain itself during growing. I know that they have those on them. Pesticides would be the most likely candidate if you are having a chemical type allergy.

-- Nan (, November 30, 2001.

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