F65 English Manual

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

Hi, I just bought a Nikon F65 from Portugal, and the Manual was in Portugese and Spanish. I was wondering if I could find on the net a copy of the english one since I'm having a hard time understanding the spanish one. I would also appreciate it, if anybody who has it in electronic form, could e-mail it to me.

Thanks a lot, Nikolas el98129@central.ntua.gr

-- Nikolas Galanis (el98129@central.ntua.gr), November 23, 2001


Hi, I've got the same problem, did you get the english manual?, can you send it to me if you did ?



-- Ami (amimami@hotmail.co.il), January 07, 2002.

Hi! I have the same problem too. If you have any information please forward it to me. Thank you!


-- Shelley (shelleybelly@pacific.net.ph), February 01, 2002.

I picked mine while on a trip and I have the wrong language manual (well wrong language for me!), if someone could e-mail one to me as well it would be nice, or a link to one on the web.

-- Jason (jasone@ellistech.cx), February 02, 2002.

I am sorry to ask for same problem instead of solving. Hi I have same problem as I have french manual and I need in English. Regards Raj

-- Raj (rajesh_meher@hotmail.com), February 15, 2002.

I just bought a Nikon 'u' in Japan, and only have the manual in Japanese - so I'm joining the list of those hoping for an English version of the F65/N65 manual.

-- Peter Hunter (peter.hunter@dfat.gov.au), March 06, 2002.

Try going to a local dealer and asking for an english (or whatever) manual. I got one for free this way. Another option is to ask them to photocopy it for you or something like that.

-- Nikolas Galanis (el98129@central.ntua.gr), March 10, 2002.

I am also facing the same problem. I bought it in Germany and the manual is in German. I want it in English, so if any one has the soft copy mail it to me.


-- M. Bagda (mbagda@deloitte.com), June 28, 2002.

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