dory form skeenes elements of yacth design. : LUSENET : Open-water rowing : One Thread

has anyone built the dory from Skeenes. its 12 ft long , i'm thinking of lenthening this to 16 Ft, any comments

-- Mike Henry (, November 22, 2001


I'm not familiar with the design you cite, but my comment is: why deal with the uncertainties of scaling up a 12' design, when there are plenty of proven examples of 16 ft. designs?

-- Kim Apel (, November 26, 2001.

Thanks for the rsponse , its just that the dory in question is usch a sweet lttle dory , can be uilt from ply, and here in South Africa even plans at $20 are quite expensive in our currency. I do however take your comment , and will contuine to look for alternatives. I'm looking for about 16 ft for ore or les protected bay waters , have built a cosine wherry , but would like something slightly longer. regards mike

-- mike henry (, November 27, 2001.

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