Nikkor enlarging lens? : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

I have a 70mm F/5 Micro-Nikkor lens that was/is mounted on an enlarger. Is this actually an enlarging lens, or does it belong on something else? If it is an enlarging lens, what range of mag. is it optimised for? Thanks, Steve

-- Steve Clark (, November 21, 2001


It sounds like something from Nikon's scientific division. Don't know if they still offer them, but years ago they had a range of lenses for micro photography that went from ~3x - ~30x lifesize using a special bellows set-up. Similar to what Zeiss and Olympus have offered. I'm guessing that the lens that you have is probably optimised for around ~5x, and most likely mounted in reverse on your lensboard.

-- Wayne DeWitt (, November 22, 2001.

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