Steam Operations, Atlanta-Fort Valley, GA : LUSENET : Southern Railway : One Thread

What type steam locomotives were used on this line during the late steam era? When did steam operations cease?

-- Riley Kinney (, November 21, 2001


The northern part (north of Williamson) of the Fort Valley line was abandoned I beleive around 1940.

-- Tom Randall (, June 03, 2003.

...Wouldn't that have been south of Williamson?

-- Elton (, February 15, 2004.

No. The line originally went from just South of Atlanta, branching off from the Southern main at "Roseland" (near the Federal Prison), crossed the CofG east of Hapeville, and south through Riverdale, Fayetteville, etc before getting to Williamson.


-- Tom (, February 03, 2005.

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