hoof care (Goats - Health/Treatment)greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I'm new to goats as pets. I've enjoyed them for about 2-3 months. It's my understanding that the hooves have to be trimmed periodically. I'm not aware of anyone nearby who does this, nor do I know how to do it. I want them to be healthy, just don't want to mess up!! Can anyone advise? Thanks.
-- Carla Walls (wtnf18@hotmail.com), November 19, 2001
Go to the Hoegger web site or even get their catalog. Some excellent advice on trimming their hooves. Make sure they are wet hooves as dry ones are difficult to cut at times.
-- Gailann Schrader (gtschrader@aol.com), November 19, 2001.
Go to: http://www.tennesseemeatgoats.com/articles/hoof.htm for a good article and illustration. Goat hoof trimmers can be purchased at any of the livestock supply sources such as Caprine Supply, (have an online store), Hoeggers, Jeffers Livestock, Valley Vet, etc. or you can use pruning shears, utility knife, farriers knife, etc. (I like the goat hoof trimmers myself) Hope that helps. :)patty Prairie Oak Miniatures http://www.minifarm.com/prairie_oak http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Littlegoats moderator
-- patty putnam (littlegoats@wi.rr.com), November 19, 2001.
I can't recall the websirte off the top of my head that shows graphic pics of trimming hooves. I know Vicki can better explain this than me. Its getting to be my bedtime. However, you can also check with your vet or vets in the area or have a horse ferrier do it.
-- Bernice (geminigoats@yahoo.com), November 19, 2001.
I think this is the website Bernie was thinking of: http://www.fiascofarm.com/goats/hoof-trim-rf.htm this one has photos of each step of trimming... :)patty Prairie Oak Miniatures http://www.minifarm.com/prairie_oak http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Littlegoats moderator
-- Patty Putnam (littlegoats@wi.rr.com), November 20, 2001.
Thanks so much for all the advice. I found just what I needed to know!
-- Carla Walls (wtnf18@hotmail.com), November 20, 2001.
i had to add my two cents worth. i just got goats who had hideous hooves, and am still trimming one's (and have done MASSIVE trimming). we sharpened our lovely felcos and they work great! I put piles of old concrete in their pen to help keep them down in the future. when we get pasture worked out, there are natural rocks among them.
-- marcee (thathope@mwt.net), November 25, 2001.