We lost , but a good game to watch......

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

Ireland 29-40 New Zealand .

A great game . We led 13-0 , 24-7 , but FIVE second-half tries by the AB`s killed us . The AB`s were well below par , but showed their true grit when behind ( which is rare ) , and played some great Rugby .

All we could try to do was contain them , they were rampant . Well at least we gave them a fright . But Ireland did themselves proud against the best team in the world .

The crowd loved it , and there were quite a good few Kiwi`s in the crowd !

Maybe next time....( ye jammy shower of Antipodes...)



-- AL (alexweir@indigo.ie), November 17, 2001

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