Why does my MPG stop playing at 30 to 32 Minutes but Audio continues

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I do now know why when I take an AVI file and convert it over to MPEG NTSC and I play it before I send it over to VCD format it stops playing at around 30 to 32 minutes every time, am I doing something wrong? Someone please help. I am using Roxio easy cd creator Platinum, Win XP. Thanks

-- Brian Krause (krauseb0926@hawaii.rr.com), November 17, 2001


I am not an mpg guru and i am not sure why this would happen with mpgs but this kind of problem happens with avi files. The reason for this in avi files is that a frame (or several frames) are corupted because of a fault in encoding. Perhaps this is what happens with your mpgs.

MPEG4 rocks by the way.

-- ..Dimitrius.. (dgofman@yahoo.co.uk), November 20, 2001.

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