Need Comments on Schneider Apo-Componon HM 150/4 Enlarging Lens : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

Hi All,

Has Any one used Schneider Apo-Componon HM 150 mm F4 enlarging lens? Any pros and cons? I'm thinking about it for 4x5 color enlargement. Thanks in advance. Regards, -- Geoffrey

-- Geoffrey Chen (DB45TEK@AOL.COM), November 14, 2001


Why not for black & white?

All apo enlarging lenses have better contrast and resolution then non apos as well as lower distortion.

In addition, using the 150 Apo Rodagon vs the 150 Rodagon as an example, the 150 apo is corrected for greater magnification (to 15x compared to 10x with the non apo). The apo hits optimal aperture sooner and holds it for a greater range of stops then the non apo.

Taking into consideration higher contrast and resolution with greater magnification with more usable stops and reaching optimal aperture faster and less distortion why would you only want these benefits for color printing?

This assumes, of course, a glass carrier and a properly aligned enlarger.

you should also find the Schneider has similar benefits over the non apo version.

-- Bob Salomon (, November 14, 2001.

I purchased this lens from Robert White earlier this year. It's a fairly large and heavy lens as far as enlarging lenses go. I have a Beseler 45 MCRX enlarger and found that I needed a special adapter board, which cost another $100 or so. The barrel of the lens is quite thick; hence, the adaptor for the Ilford Variable Contrast B&W filter kit will not fit (actually it does but it's so snug that it would probably mark the barrel of the lens with time). Besides these points, the lens is great. Very sharp. I got it for color work and cannot complain about the quality. Superb.

-- E Rothman (, November 14, 2001.

Pro printers make many references to using the simple high quality Componon-S series enlarging lens, even for color.

-- Andre Noble (, November 14, 2001.


I purchased a Schneider APO-Componon HM 150/4 within the last year and I love it. This lens or the APO Rodagon are the best on the market (in my opinion). Since I mainly use it for black and white (B+W), I wondered if I'd gain any benefit over the Componon-S or non-APO Rodagon, so I did my research and discovered that B+W benefits from an APO lens more than I expected. At the high cost of everything else in large format, I figured the extra expense was worth it since EVERY 4X5 photo I enlarge will only be as good as the enlarging lens. But that's my philosophy...I've also seen photos enlarged from 60 yr. old Wollensak lenses that "made my eyes bug out"! Best of luck!


J. P. Mose

-- J. P. Mose (, November 15, 2001.

Thank you all for your great input! I will get the lens.

Bob: I shoot Provia-F now. Andre: I can get a new Apo-Componon HM 150/4 at a price lower than a new Componon-S 150/5.6. A good value. Regards, -- Geoffrey

-- Geoffrey Chen (DB45TEK@AOL.COM), November 15, 2001.

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