Be Back Soon! : LUSENET : Beyond the Sidewalks : One Thread |
Hi all...Might be gone for a while cause I'm gettin some tests done to see how faulty my plumbing really is! Ha! Uroligist is concerned about a very high P.S.A. count. Sooo I'm off to the big city to be completely violated!! Ha! Wish me luck....Love Ya'll....Kirk
-- Anonymous, November 12, 2001
Kirk, thank you for letting us know. Now you be safe and Ok, now , You hear? We Love YOU! Will be praying and thinking about you.
-- Anonymous, November 13, 2001
Make sure they wear them latex gloves, Kirk :-)!! You'll be in our thoughts! Let us know when you get any results.
-- Anonymous, November 13, 2001
Best of luck Kirk !!! My uncle had an unusually high PSA count, had to have numerous tests, some of them really not pleasant (we had to hear all the gory details, of course!), and it finally turned out to be some type of infection raising the PSA count, NOT prostate cancer.His count periodically goes up for no apparent reason, but he has increased his saw palmetta intake, takes extra C, and eats lots of pumpkin seeds, supposed to be good for prostate trouble.
-- Anonymous, November 13, 2001
Best of luck. When I have had to undergo G/I, G/U violation, I keep my spirits up by singing "Moon River" and the "Roto- Rooter " jingle to myself during the procedures. Have you ever noticed when they tell you "you may feel a slight pressure" what they really mean is in comparison the Inquisition was a Boy Scout Jamboree :>)
-- Anonymous, November 13, 2001
Prayers and hugs.......((((((((((((((((((((0)))))))))))))))))))
-- Anonymous, November 13, 2001
Complain...complain...complain!!! Typical Men :-)!!By the way, anyone know how Polly is doing? I don't think I've seen any posts from her lately.
-- Anonymous, November 13, 2001
Hey Kirk, good luck! Watch your manners and don't forget a clean hankie! Let us know as soon as you get back!
-- Anonymous, November 13, 2001
I do wish you luck, Kirk. Behave yourself out there in the big world! Let us know when you're back.Jay, yeah, they lie like rugs don't they? If they even mention some sort of discomfort, be prepared for pain instead!
-- Anonymous, November 13, 2001
Got my fingers and toes crossed for you, Kirk. Lots of things can cause an elevated PSA, so don't sweat yet!Folks, ya gotta be firm with those medical people - if you need something for the pain, tell them to either give you something or no go on the invasive procedures. Trust me - while that nurse doesn't want to have to ask the doc for something special, she really does not want to explain to the doctor why you walked out. And the doc really doesn't want to explain it to whoever runs their managed care reimbursement plan, etc... Best thing to do is make the doc explain the procedure to you, ask what he is going to give you for pain and make darn sure it gets on his orders. Pain is a big deal right now in the medical world, as are patient rights; and nobody wants to get in trouble for not paying attention to either one. I refused an 18 g. IV in the back of my right hand and the nurse threw a fit. I said left forearm or forget it (I have good veins). She continued to insist, so I got up and started putting my real clothes back on. Anesthesia caught up with me at the door and we had a nice little talk in the middle of the waiting room and that nurse was not allowed to take care of me and the IV went in the left forearm. Please note that this is your body and you have the right to refuse any procedure that you don't want. If you say no to a procedure or say stop in the middle of a procedure and they continue, it is assault - plain and simple. If you feel you are not being cared for appropriatly, tell them to call for the patient care advocate or the administrator on call. For what medical care is costing you, you deserve good care.
-- Anonymous, November 13, 2001
We'll be thinkin about you Kirk; best of luck, we always miss you when you're gone.Love,
-- Anonymous, November 13, 2001
Kirk, Probalby nothing wrong with the plumbing except age. Hey, I thought a high PSA test was good. At least, when I took the test before getting out of high school they wanted high scores. What is it they say about test? Tests lie and liers test? Or was that something else? It's late! Good luckWildman
-- Anonymous, November 14, 2001