allergic reaction to necklaces : LUSENET : Country Families : One Thread

My 14 year old daughter is having a hard time wearing necklaces. She has tried many different kinds, and after a couple of hours her neck is broke out and itching. Is there anything I could coat the chain with to prevent this? She loves jewelry, but gets tired of always having to wear necklaces made from ribbon or some form of string. I thought if anyone could help her, it would be you all. Winona

-- Winona in MO (, November 12, 2001



My wife breaks out if any of the jewelry she wears has nickel in it. Her dermatologist said that it is a common allergy. I don't know if this helps or not. I seem to recall her trying to coat jewelry with clear nail polish, but I really don't recall how it worked. Now she just gets stuff that is 14 ct gold and does not have the problem.

Talk to you later

-- Bob in WI (, November 12, 2001.

Does sterling silver cause her problems too? Many folks who cannot wear anything but 24 carat gold (way too expensive!!!) can wear sterling silver just fine, and it is very inexpensive to boot.

-- Annie Miller in SE OH (, November 12, 2001.

I've heard the clear nail polish is supposed to work, unless you're allergic to nail polish like I am. I'm allergic to gold. I don't have/wear any jewelrey except my grandma's necklace and a cameo pin unless you count my drug allergy alert necklace. Don't miss it either.

-- Cindy (S.E.IN) (, November 12, 2001.

I have the same problem with jewelry: if it isn't 14K or really good sterling, I break out in a rash or even blisters. A doctor once told me it was a sensitivity to the metal nickel, a metal used to harden these soft golds and silvers. Coating rings and other jewelry with clear nail polish does help - another area to keep in mind are the snaps on jeans and rivets that touch the skin. Either get used to wearing only the good stuff, or keep a running stock of clear nail polish.

-- Judi (, November 12, 2001.

agree with all of the above..nickle is the culprit in most allergies involving contact dermatitis from jewlery....coating usually does not work because after awhile, your bodys' perspiration as well as the constant gentle abrading on the skin will wear away the substance..tell her she is fortunate to have such an's a good excuse to always get gold or pure silver!

-- lesley (, November 12, 2001.

Thanks for all the help. I knew I could count on you all. We'll try the sterling silver. Can't afford gold. May try the clear nail polish when she is only going to be wearing a necklace for a short while. She has pierced ears, but usually only wears the earrings she had them pierced with. We did try some earrings for extra-sensitive ears, and they worked pretty good. Thanks again. Winona

-- Winona in MO (, November 13, 2001.

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