Bulgar (Kitchen - Cooking)greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hi..With the recent post about wheat berries..I thought I would mention that I use bulgar a lot. I eat it both hot and cold [I make tabouli a lot].
If I think I will want some bulgar soon, I add a couple extra cups of water to my morning tea kettle. I put a cup of bulgar into a Corningware dish with a lid. I put two cups of boiling water in and stir a bit. Cover and let it sit for a few hours.
It turns out nice and fluffy this way. It's very different than if I were to simmer it and I prefer it this way.
Thought I'd pass the hint along..
-- pc (jasper2@iname.com), November 11, 2001
how about explaning what BULGAR is ??
-- stan (sopal@net-port.com), November 11, 2001.
Stan,Countryside had a pretty interesting article a couple issues back. It is a type of grain like wheat if I recall.
-- Jay Blair in N. AL (jayblair678@yahoo.com), November 11, 2001.
Stan..It is a cracked wheat product. I can buy organic bulgar cheaper here than other grains.
Jay said there was an article in Countryside about bulgar. Truth be told..I've never seen Countryside [I got to this site another way] but I will see if my library carries it!
Preparing it the way I like to..it comes out like a fluffly ricelike grain [except it's wheat]. I've used it for decades and prepared it this way for decades too. It's kind of idiot proof. No burning pots. No stuff sticking at the bottom. And I always have some sort of grain around.
I hope that answered some of your QUESTIONS about BULGAR. Go ahead..try some. Don't be scared. :-)
-- pc (jasper2@iname.com), November 11, 2001.
Thank you, pc for starting this thread . . . I tried to make bulgar a year ago, but it came out pasty, and tasted very odd; at least to this rice eater. I'll give it another try; that article mentioned above got me interested in giving bulgar another try. Thanks again for the tip.
-- j.r. guerra (jrguerra@boultinghousesimpson.com), November 12, 2001.
Thanks for the information. I have a box that was given to me but never tried it. Now I will
-- Toby Saken (toby@midwest.net), November 14, 2001.