Beseler 23C Blue : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

I've seen a few of these advertised. What does the "blue" mean?


Peter Schauss

-- Peter Schauss (, November 10, 2001


The machines changed color at various times. I believe the older ones were blue, the later ones, black. I have a 23CII from about 15+ years ago, and it's black. No real preference- they can all be tuned up to good condition with a little work. IMHO, the more recent vintage 23CIII has a better lamphouse design and more even illumination.

-- Conrad Hoffman (, November 10, 2001.

I've seen 23C's in the following colors (oldest first, as far as I could tell):

light green, grey, blue, black.

All are the same basic enlarger. If I recall, the change from blue to black didn't make any changes except color.

-- Charlie Strack (, November 12, 2001.

There are some changes. The major change was the loss of the filter drawer. I think that the blue ones (black for sure) do not have the filter drawer above the lens. There were other changes like baseboard size, single knobs vs dual knobs ect.

-- Tony Oresteen (, November 14, 2001.

My Black 23CIII has a filter drawer.

-- Sal Santamaura (, November 14, 2001.

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