greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Hi! Can a broody goose hatch feritle chicken eggs? And if I buy fertile eggs will the broody geese and/or hens accept them and hatch them? Thanks

-- Chandler (ProvidenceFarms2001@yahoo.com), November 10, 2001


Once a hen is broody, she doesn't care who's eggs she's sitting. But don't count on one going broody that hasn't...I've never kept geese, but I don't know if hen eggs would be strong enough for one. I know duck eggs are harder than chickens'(and I don't think the chicken eggs need the kind of humidity water fowl's do).

-- mary (marylgarcia@aol.com), November 10, 2001.

I'd be afraid the goose, like Mary said, is too large and will crush the chicken eggs but otherwise it could work. If you do try it you will have to take the chicks away from the goose as soon as she hatches them if you have water close by. We had a duck hatch out chicks once and not thinking let her take care of them. Actually, it was quite fun at first as they spoke totally different languages and you could tell it but before long she took them right down to the pond and of course, chicks don't swim and they never came back. Another thing, if you let a goose hatch them you'll have to be VERY careful trying to get them away from her. They (the mother and the whole flock) guard their young and will not let them go easily.

-- Anna in Iowa (countryanna54@hotmail.com), November 10, 2001.

Chandler, post this question on The Poultry Connection, General Waterfowl Forum and if you want on The Poultry Connection, Leghorn (for chickens)Forum. You will get some expert advice. Good luck, LQ

-- Little Quacker (carouselxing@juno.com), November 10, 2001.

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