free barred rock : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Anybody in W.I. (north central)want 4 or five barred rock roosters and possible a hen to go with.There this past springs hatch,almost seven months old. Dave
-- Dave.??? (, November 09, 2001
are they still available ??? i know someone in wi who might wantthem.
-- Beth Van Stiphout (, November 14, 2001.
I'm in Central Wisconsin...Waupaca area. Would probably be interested in adding them to our collection of 20+ layers! Let me know!
-- Lisa in WI (, November 14, 2001.
I am very intersted in the chickens. If you still have them please let me know. Also do you know where I would buy some?
-- Kia Yang (, March 27, 2002.