comment on tele-zoom lens : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

could anyone comment on the following lens: 1)canon EF75-300 f/4-5.6 2)sigma 70-300 macro super 3)tamron 70-300 macro i've heard that the first has better 'compatibility' with EOS body but is it true that third-party lenses do not do so? The last 2 seem more attractive:they have macro and LD lens and lower prices.

-- legnum (, November 08, 2001


The only compatibility problems I've seen on EOS bodies was with a Sigma, and I've only seen it twice, and on older rebel bodies. I am not particularly impressed with sigma, but i'd use it if i had to, obviously. I'd prefer one of the other two, as i haven't seen problems with tamron lenses on EOS (or canon, of course).

-- Mike DeVoue (, November 08, 2001.

I don't know where you live, but at B&H Photo (a reliable international seller) the Canon is $155, the Tamron is $160 and the Sigma is $170. For that price you don't get LD glass in any of them. The LD and APO versions are considerably more.

-- Jim Strutz (, November 09, 2001.

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