I'm going to experiment some moregreenspun.com : LUSENET : Brownie Cameras : One Thread |
Hello again, everyone.I wanted to write with a few questions regarding my cameras. Though I have been busy lately using my modern cameras extensively, I would like to experiment again with Kodak Six 20 and Brownie Hawkeye 620. Has anyone modified - adapted - or even figured out a temporary way to mount one of these cameras to a standard tripod? By standard I am more or less referring to a stndard, flat mount on my tripod head. Second, I have a few rolls of slide film which are expiring this month. Though I don't use slide film very regular, even with my 35 mm cameras, I am wondering if anyone has tried any in their old Kodaks. My film is that very slow Fuji Velvia - (ISO 50). Has anyone ever tried this? Though I am not exactly sure of the aperatures of these two cameras, I plan to perhaps meter the landscapes I plan to shoot with my Yashica Mat, and time a shutter opening on "bulb." The Yashica of course will be loaded with the same film. Any ideas/insight would be appreciated.
Thank you,
-- Ned Fenimore (nedfh@home.com), November 07, 2001
Hi, Ned! I'll be happy to help you here - I had a machinist buddy of mine construct a disk of aluminum plate and make a threaded hole in the center for a tripod bushing. I was thus able to place my Brownie Hawkeye on the flat surface and secure it with strong rubber bands. As for slide film in an old Kodak, I ran a roll of Ektachrome (100 asa, I think) thru my Brownie Six-20 Model D and they were beautiful! Of course, I did it on a sunny day and had good looking people as my subjects, which didn't hurt a bit. You will have to buy special frames for the slides, however, as the 6x9 size is uncommon for modern slides.I think it's great that you're experimenting, Ned! Good luck and have fun! Yore ol' pal,
-- Pete Lutz (mariner8378@hotmail.com), November 08, 2001.