propane stove ?? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Hi All, Got a new (used) propane cook stove,two of the burners have a yellow color to the flame and cause a lot of soot on the bottom of the pans. The other two burners have a blue flame and no soot.The question is how do I fix that? Thanks,Daryll

-- Daryll in NW FLA (, November 07, 2001


take the top off, ,the cover for the burners.. if they have pilot light, are the ones that are sooting up, on the same pilot light?, eithway,, you have some carbon or soot, or other build up,, and the flame isnt burning cleanly. Need to clean it. Did the people you got this from have ANY of these problems when they were useing it? or was this stored for awhile? SPiders like to crawl into the tubing and spin webing, then whjen you light it, ,that can cause blockage,, it just needs a cleaning,, check the pilot lights first, then the tubing from the pilot lights to the burner,, if that doesnt work,, you need to trace back from there, ,clean as you go

-- stan (, November 07, 2001.

Hi Daryll.

Our new (used) propane stove also caused us many problems at first. Many (all?) gas stoves are designed to use either propane or natural gas. There is only one inlet orifice, but it has one setting for propane and another for natural gas. Guy from the propane company reset the orifice and we have had no problems since then. Took him about 10 minutes; cost $40.

-- Sandy in MN (, November 07, 2001.

propane and natural gas jets(oriface) arent adjustable,, what they do is change them for the need. Bet it just neds a good cleaning,, have even had luck of just running it on high for awhile,,let it burn itself clean,, may or may not work

-- stan (, November 07, 2001.

Au contraire! Mostly they are adjustable. You have an imbalance between fuel and air. Much like your old carbureated auto. I'll bet a lobster against a (?) that you can get the "owner's manual" from the manufacturer, or maybe even an e-mail address on the net to solve your problems. Gas is much better than electricity, at least for a stove. I have never argued with my wife that the electric blanket is less desireable than gas in bed, because I wish to live a tad longer. GL!

-- Brad (, November 07, 2001.

Brad has it. A simple air- fuel adjustment will fix it.

-- Mel Kelly (, November 07, 2001.

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