Vivitar E-33 compact condenser enlarger : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

Anyone have any experience with this model?

Quality of optics? Ease of use? Limitations?

thanks, Peter Schauss

-- Peter Schauss (, November 06, 2001


No experience with this enlarger, but a general recommendation.

I would stay away from any used enlarger out of production that isn't from a main-stream supplier: Durst, Beseler, Omega, etc., since it can be a real problem to find parts. For the big name suppliers, so many were built that finding parts isn't much of a problem. Also, with many of the big name products, you can still buy accessories new, such as negative carriers, lensboards, etc.

However, if the enlarger looks good, and is very low cost, and you can afford to junk it if you need a part & can't find it, you could consider it.

-- Charlie Strack (, November 07, 2001.

Last time I check It was a good enough enlarger. Quality of optics??? is whatever you want it to be. you can spend a few more $ and get a Nikkor lens. I think the standard Vivitar lens is Ok.

Very easy to use and it should have a 6X9 carrier along with the 35mm carrier.

The bottom line is: for around $50 you can't go wrong if it comes complete and working. Just make sure all the parts are there and the enlarger is loose due to wear.


-- Alex Siu (, November 12, 2001.

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