drivers license : LUSENET : Country Families : One Thread

Hi I know this is off the wall but I feel very proud of myself today. I took my driving test today and I finally got my Driver's license. I have been taking driver's ed all summer and I know I am kinda old but I am so excited that I finally did it.

-- mindy (, November 06, 2001


Congrats, Melinda. I remember when going to Louisianna was more important than your license. Now you get to come and visit with the little ones;~]

-- Cindy (S.E.IN) (, November 06, 2001.

I have to get a car first. But God will help with that in time.

-- mindy (, November 06, 2001.

Congratulations Mindy!! Sounds like you are really pulling your life together!!! I admire you for that.

-- Melissa (, November 06, 2001.

Congratulations, Mindy! :-)

-- Cheryl in KS (, November 06, 2001.

CONGRATULATIONS, Mindy! I don't know how old you are; I suspect you're not as old as your post sounds. I was 25 or 26 when I got my license. I had learned to drive my husband's '55 Buick, auto transmission but hadn't got my license yet when he traded it for new Chev. pickup, straight shift. I never DID learn to drive that thing! A few years later, when the pickup became a company car, he asked me what kind of new car I wanted. I told him the only requirement was auto transmission. That's what we got, I got my driver's license and have been driving (auto trans) ever since. Didn't take driver' ed in HS cause I needed all the science, etc. I could get for nursing. Our grand-daughter gets her license this week.

-- gibson girl (, November 06, 2001.

You go girl!!!

-- Carol in Tx (, November 06, 2001.

Excellent! Good for you..another milestone among many. God bless.

-- lesley (, November 06, 2001.

Congratulations, Melinda! I know several people who were older when they got their licenses. It's never too late to learn anything and since I know your mother's age, I know you can't be that old!!!

-- Barb in Ky. (, November 07, 2001.

I just turned 27

-- mindy (, November 07, 2001.

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