billygoat (update) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

The billygoat that is founder is on his knees. I have been trimming his feet.{front feet}. He is eating hay, and is doing okay except for walking on his back feet. It was 16%sweet feed that I was feeding him. Thank you for all your input on this....

-- marilyn (, November 05, 2001


Response to billygoat

Sounds more like hoof rot to me.

-- Marcia (, November 05, 2001.

Response to billygoat

I know that when you're new to an area it's hard to know all the rules of etiquette. It's better to keep everything related on one thread, rather than generating multiple threads about the same subject. That means everyone knows where to look, and the forum doesn't get swamped by a mass of threads which really are many fewer subjects.

-- Don Armstrong (, November 05, 2001.

Response to billygoat

Sounds like laminitis. Don't feed him grain, and keep his feet trimmed up as far as you can. It will be hard to get him to breed anything if he can't stand up.

-- Rebekah (, November 05, 2001.

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