billygoat (foundering) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Please help me. I have a five month billy that I took away from nanny two months ago. I was feeding him sweetfeed and shell corn. Well I have founder him. Please tell me what I should do for him.

-- marilyn (, November 05, 2001


Response to billygoat

O.K. tell us what exactly is going on .List all symtoms . How much where you feeding him , was the sweet feed medicated?

-- Patty {NY State} (, November 05, 2001.

Response to billygoat

Really a problem for a vet to take care of. Banamine for pain, Dexamethazone for the swelling, and antibiotics to bring the fever in the feet down quickly. Changing his diet is a must. He will need his feet trimmed often, it will depend upon the severity of the laminitis as to how bad his feet will get. But if you aren't up to monthly hoof trimmings, he will soon learn to walk on his knees, making his ability to breed non exsistent. At 5 months old an described as a "billy" goat, I would put him in the freezer after you have used him this year. Go through the archives, join a goat forum, get a book on goats, learn about nutrition, remember always that good hay is always more important than grain, and whole corn does nothing but grind down your goats molars. As older animals they simply won't have any teeth left!

Are you sure he has foundered? Vicki

-- Vicki McGaugh (, November 05, 2001.

>>whole corn does nothing but grind down your goats molars. As older >>animals they simply won't have any teeth left! >> Vicki

Vicki - I've never heard this before! Where did you find this juicy tidbit of information???

Thanks, Ozzy.

-- Ozzy (, November 05, 2001.

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