Pumpkin pie w/ soy milk?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I have a good friend that can't use reg. milk. Do any of you know a pumkin pie recipe with soy or rice milk?

-- DW (djwallace@ctos.com), November 03, 2001


Go to:


-- TomK(Mich) (tjk@cac.net), November 03, 2001.

I don't see why you couldn't substitute it in the traditional recipe. I know I've used goat milk, reconstituted dry milk, and cow's milk besides the recommended evaporated, with no difference.

-- mary (marylgarcia@aol.com), November 03, 2001.

I have a son that is allergic to milk and milk products. So wee make pumkin pie with "DAIRYRICH" a non-dairy creamer, Works fine, it however, needs a slightly longer time in the oven.

-- Rich (pntbeldyk@wirefire.com), November 03, 2001.


I use Soy milk or Goats milk I get from the Goat only dairy up the road. I use as much Soy as it says for milk products. But I add two table spoons of corn starch. It makes the pie firm like in the original recipe. Just make sure you mix a little Soy with the corn starch until totally smooth, then slowly mix that into the rest of the pumpkin pie mix. Good luck!! :O)

-- Bergere (autumnhaus@aol.com), November 05, 2001.

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